Saturday, October 1, 2011

Houston, We Have A Problem

First, I want to show you some pics of our garden.  This is a petunia that self-sowed in this pot from last year.

Our dahlias are really producing right now.  They always do well in the Fall.  This year they are upright because I stuck tomato cages in the ground when they came up.

This fuzzy pic is my one and only sweet potato vine, and it's huge.

Speaking of huge--Elephant Ears!  Each leaf is about half my height or more.  AND, speaking of Fall.....

We have a problem---a mouse--our yearly, Fall problem.  We haven't been able to catch it because it found a better food source--my pincushion.  I put rice in the bottom part to give it weight, and the rascally varmint found it.  Guess I'll have to repair it and replace the rice with B-B's, or crushed walnut hulls from the pet store (after I spray it with alcohol, that is.  Uck!).

1 comment:

  1. you can only hope that a pin got em and he is off dead somewhere
