Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Finch Chick Update

First I must show some of my flowers, then I will show the chicks.

The Columbine Bed:

My sedum is blooming (yellow) behind the Johnny Jump-ups, then behind that my rudbeckia is really growing.

Here is the reason our backyard smells so good.  The Mock Orange bush I got from my Mom many years ago, and honeysuckle are both blooming, and trying to overtake one another. 

I love pink roses.

Now the chicks---I set my hanging fern on the bench to take pictures today.  Here you can see where the nest is located in the fern.  Momma and Papa Finch didn't much care for me taking the fern down for a little bit, but they'll be fine.

Today we can see a little footsie, and one more egg to hatch.  They still have some serious "cute-ing up" to do.
My hubby said they're seed eaters, but Mom and Pop feeds them small bugs and seeds.

1 comment:

  1. i have always thought they ate both bugs & seeds & you have proof that they do!
