Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Granddaughter's Birthday

While we were visiting our oldest daughter, Jennifer and her family, our oldest granddaughter had her 17th  B-day party.  She's a cutie and a lots of fun.
Aunt Erin folded up some money into a shirt for her, and I thought it was so cute. 

She recently got a puppy; it is the cutest thing she calls him Chino-short for Cappichino.  He's a lot of fun too; he entertained us alot.
Earlier that day we went on a River Boat tour-cruise of the Missouri River, and I forgot to take my camera--bummer!  When we got home I requested the boys shoot off their potato cannons they made, so we could watch.

They shot them off of their second story balcony-deck.  (They have an amazing view of the sunrise from there.)  They had a big field to shoot the potatoes into, it was quite interesting.  Erin even got in on the act.
Our vehicle was just below the deck and there was a mud puddle they were trying to hit nearby, but no such luck--I think the shape of the potatoes makes aiming with accuracy impossible.
Our poor vehicle is in the shop today--the alternator went out on us yesterday while we were across town.  We thought the battery was acting up, so my hubby charged it up thinking that would take care of it.  It didn't.  I'm so thankful it waited until we got back from our trip.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the pictures! The kids are all really growing up...boohoo!
    Bummer about your truck!
    ☺ Celeste
