Monday, November 29, 2010

My New Handwork Project

I've started working on an applique project.  I plan on using it on our table---if it pleases me in the way it looks there.  Sometimes I just have to see before I make up my mind.  Here is what it looks like so far---
This is half of one of the appliqued borders.  The pink flower base of gold is actually the back side of the fabric for a little variety.

As you can see there is more work to be done on it.

I found the pattern in this book, and I want to get one border done, and the pieced inner part of the quilt before the book is due back at the library.

I like the black checks and the black background for the borders.  I've never done applique on black fabric before, and soon realized I needed a task light.  I got one on Black Friday for 30 dollars off of a regularly priced $50 Ott light.  Quite a deal.  Here's what it will look similar to as a tablecloth.
Our table is a rectangle harvest trestle table, but it will still work.  I put my Hexie quilt on hold till I get to the point where I return the book.  I was going through handwork withdrawal and needed some handwork to do;  I think this will keep me busy for a while.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Blessings

I am blessed with a wonderful family.  We had Thanksgiving Dinner at our house with two of our three daughters, one of our son-in-laws, and five of our eight grand kids.
This is the set up for Thanksgiving for ten of us.  I have two card tables which slide under each end of the big table to accommodate all of us.

Here I am working the bird over, and posing with a silly smile.
We also went to see hubby's parents--all ten of us.  Later we came back to the house for a movie.

Black Friday Weekend has blessed us with new computers--Wa-hoo!  We got them this afternoon, and Erin helped me figure out my new browser--what a sweetie.  Thanks Erin.  Now I can post on my blog--Yipee!

I've started a new project that I will show pictures of soon.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall Time

O, What A Beautiful Mornin',

O, What A Beautiful Day.
I love the colors of Fall.  I just couldn't stop taking pictures of  the trees here this morning.

Same trees, just a little bit later in the morn.  Gorgeous.

Last night we had Fifties Night at church for our pastor's anniversary.
Ain't we sumthin'?
Erin and I had a little fun with it.  Of course, we couldn't eat out after church with those socks on.
Sewing up the last hole in my Hexie quilt, and now I can start on the edges--Wa-hoo.
My grandson and I are on a special diet for health reasons.  Actually, My daughters whole family is on the same diet. 
Here's what we had for supper tonight. 
Not bad, eh?
I love chicken legs done in the Green Egg. My hubby cooks them till the skins are crispy-Yum!  Coleslaw, tomatoes, and spinach, are good also.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Movin' Along

Here we are, I am ready to audition different fabrics underneath to fill the holes with.
I also need to fill in two of the ends with half hexie's.
I'm thinking dark brown for the holes and violets for the half hexie's.
I also think maybe a dark brown for a small border, and then a hydrangea print for the large border.
Hopefully I can find one.  I usually can't find what I want when I already have my mind made up as to what I want, so I may not get what I want.
Erin says she likes the holes, and that it wouldn't be very warm though.  I agree. It does look neat, but I would like to snuggle up under it.
I'm thinking about hand quilting it.  I would have to NOT put this on the back burner though, because I want it done soon.  I have about five unfinished quilts and I don't want this one to be added to the list. I'm not sure about a name yet.  I did notice a quilt similar to this one in the kiddy movie Chicken Little. Remember Chicken Little and his Dad having their talk in Chicken Little's room? The quilt was on his bed.  My hubby and I watched it the other night while I was working on my quilt and we noticed his hexie quilt.  I guess I could call it Chicken Little.  In the third grade I made a paper mache chicken puppet, and I wound up being the star puppeteer in the puppet show Chicken Little that we put on for our school.  So, there you go--that's two votes for Chicken Little.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hexie Puzzle

Well I'm joining my hexie flowers, and this is the design I've come up with.  I've got the rest of them laid out on the floor.  And we just have to step around them, because I don't have a place for a design wall.
I still have some holes to fill, and I haven't decided what  color I want to use, so I figure I will just lay it on top of different colors of fabric to try them on.
See the holes?
Our computer is on the blink off and on, so I can't always post when I want to.  For some strange reason it started working today.  We're holding out on buying a new one till Christmas.