Sunday, August 19, 2012

Erin's Birthday Cake and Laughing Out Loud

We had a party for Erin yesterday for her birthday.  Celeste and I fixed the food, and Erin wanted to make her own cake, so me being the sweet person I am, let her.  It was spectacular.  She walked over carrying it since it would have been difficult to drive it over.  She made about nine thin layers with all kinds of different fillings between the three flavors of cake--Strawberry, Vanilla, and Chocolate, and it was kind of heavy, but very delicious.

After we had our meal, I lit the candles and proceeded to carry the cake to her while singing Happy Birthday.  In the process I tripped on Grace's feet and almost spilled it in her lap.  Jeff and the kids continue singing Happy Birthday very slowly while my hubby asks me several times if I did that on purpose, with me saying "no".  I guess it looked like I did.  In the mean time everyone is trying not to laugh, and finish the slow song.

Then Celeste could contain herself no longer.

I wanted to know what was so funny.   She was laughing so hard she couldn't tell me. 
I guess you had to see the whole thing to understand what was so funny.  I will never know, but I understand because I laugh at things like that all the time--you know, mishaps.  I will blame it all on my father.  My mom used to say he laughed at things that weren't funny, then me and my sisters would burst out laughing.  Erin, hubby and I were still laughing about it today at lunch.

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