Friday, February 20, 2015


Our youngest daughter is getting married in about a week, and we are working here on the wedding favors for the reception.  We received the succulent shipment yesterday when we were having a Craft Day at my house.  The plants had been in the cold temps for quite a while, and they were cold.  Naturally we're having a severe cold snap.
They were packed with packing peanuts, but my guest helped me unpack all the peanuts; two big sacks full.  The potting soil was all over the plants so we had to clean them up with paint brushes then water them.
175 of them all together; two boxes full.  I had dirt everywhere.
They cleaned up nicely, though.
Next we have to trim the little plant pots with gold lame fabric.  They're going to be very nice little favors.  In the meantime they need some bright light.