Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow and Apple Cores

A cold front moved in last night and brought us a skiff of snow.
My poinsettia is still looking good and cheery--(that's why my hubby bought it back in December).  He wanted more color around here, and now we have color. 

On another note, I'm finished piecing my never-ending-apple-cores,  Yeah!  I just need to join the last two big sections together, which won't take long.

This is a long, and pretty wide table runner.  Next I will iron it, and then baste it to batting and backing to get it ready for quilting on the machine.

I see some cores I would like to move, but they are staying where they are.  Period.  You don't really notice it except in a picture--Why is that?
I have enough pieces left for a flag wall quilt, and something else small--Wow, they are never-ending!

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